Now is the Time to Strengthen Your Marriage, Here are 14 Ways
This is a very hard time; our emotional health and physical well-being are being challenged in pandemic life. We are trying to figure out how to be safe, care for our children and for many, assure even basic survival needs are met like income to pay for food and shelter.
Marriage and long term relationships are also taking the brunt of the stress of COVID-19. Some relationships have benefitted from the additional time together but many have been pulled tight, especially if there were unresolved issues between the couple before. Anxiety can strain an already tense relationship. For many holding things together for themselves and their families, the marriage is not being prioritized.
During such difficult and uncertain times, couples need to feel as secure as possible to weather this storm together. If your marriage feels disconnected or otherwise in jeopardy, find time to stabilize it as well as possible now, as it is the foundation under which your entire family rests. One thing we know is things are uncertain, likely for months to come, with health, school impact and other consequences of this situation still unfolding.
Emotional safety and relationship health between the walls of your home is more important than ever, especially when “home” is where many of us are spending more time than ever.
I’m thrilled to be part of a collaboration with other licensed relationship professionals and marriage sites. The Dating Divas gathered us together and created a bundle of our tools to help you improve your marriage. The bundle includes marriage courses, ebooks and printables to help you create a happier, more connected relationship with your spouse.
How The Marriage Bundle Works
This bundle is being offered in a 7-day sale where you can get 14 products and tools at a dramatic price reduction. The offer is good until midnight, July 26th.
A Look at What’s Included
The Marriage Bundle is full of a wide range of educational and fun tools to improve your marriage, from Christian and secular (non-religious) sources. Once you have access to it all, you can pace yourself as you make your way through. The list below provides the details of the included products in this bundle, including pictures and a link back to the original source for even more info.
- Communicate Your Way to a Better Marriage by Engaged Marriage – Learn how to rekindle the intimacy in your marriage through better communication, in all forms, so that you can connect the way you desire. This step-by-step, actionable workshop with Dr. Corey Allan and Dustin Riechmann will unlock deeper intimacy in your marriage (talking optional)… and includes access to two incredible bonus ebooks on communication for married couples.
- The Marriage Refresher Course Workbook for Couples by Love & Life Toolbox –
Are you and your spouse suffering from marriage disconnect?
Re-strengthen your relationship foundation, increase emotional safety, improve communication and get back on track with The Marriage Refresher Course Workbook for Couples. Let relationship expert and therapist Lisa Brookes Kift, MFT lead you with her DIY guide.
- Get Your Marriage On! 2019 Live Event Videos by Get Your Marriage On! – Get Your Marriage On! is a fun & upbeat live event for married couples. Boost your marriage with entertaining & informative info from seven of the best in the world, including Sheila Wray Gregoire, Laura M. Brotherson, Dr. Debi Gilmore, Dr. Dave Schramm, and others! This gives you access to the video recordings from the November 2019 live event.
- 25 Minutes to a Better Marriage by Christian Marriage Adventures
– Are you ready to reclaim quality time in your marriage? Mike + Carlie Kercheval of Christian Marriage Adventures
have created a 5-day challenge that will get you and your spouse on the same page, giving each other the undivided attention you desire (and deserve!). The 25 Minutes to a Better Marriage Challenge has helped thousands of couples reprioritize one another amidst the chaos of daily life. Get ready to experience a spark in your marriage!
- Deeper Love: Skills for a More Mindful Marriage by Dr. Matt Townsend – In this 2-hour presentation, Matt Townsend teaches how to create a deeper, more mindful marriage, along with many other character-building skills and tools. You will laugh one minute and be moved the next minute as you learn to improve your marriage!
- Pillow Talk: 40 Conversations About Sex for Married Couples by Hot, Holy, Humorous – How can you experience sizzling and satisfying sex in your marriage if you can’t even talk about it? Yet couples often struggle to understand their spouse and discuss their sex life. Getting the conversation started can be awkward, create more confusion, or result in conflict. Pillow Talk: 40 Conversations about Sex for Married Couples provides the right framework for productive communication on a myriad of issues, from physical health to building trust to sexual fantasies. Learn how to ask questions, listen, and converse in a way that will avoid arguments and promote understanding and intimacy. Each chapter introduces a topic, presents questions to ask one another, outlines a biblical viewpoint on the subject, and concludes with action steps to help your progress sink in. From bestselling Christian sex author, blogger, and podcaster J. Parker, of Hot, Holy & Humorous, Pillow Talk will help your marriage bed move from awkward to amazing!
- Naked Marriage: Uncovering Who You Are And Who You Can Be Together by Dr. Corey Allan – What if marriage were designed for a specific purpose? What if some of the problems faced in marriage are not meant to be solved, they’re meant to be lived through? Because many people don’t understand what marriage is and could be, they hide from each other. To keep the peace, they continue the charades, each spouse reluctantly believing, “I guess this is just how it’s supposed to be.” Consequently, they refuse to get naked with each other in all of that word’s scary yet glorious permutations: emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Naked Marriage encourages you to find yourself and fully reveal yourself, so you and your marriage can become fully alive.
- Working Through Orgasm Difficulties by Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST – Sexual climax for her is not as automatic as some may assume. The big “O” is elusive for many women. To make matters worse, couples are hesitant to seek help when difficulties in this area arise. With this chapter, certified sex therapist, Laura M. Brotherson, provides valuable insights on this delicate but important element of the sexual relationship helping any couple work through orgasm difficulties! This is “must-have” information to experience the exultant ecstasy available in the sexual dimension of marriage. Get yourself a copy of the rest of this book – From Honeymoon to Happily Ever After at .
- Couple’s Unity Building Journal by Awesome Marriage by Awesome Marriage – Do you feel like you and your spouse aren’t as unified, as you’d like? Or maybe your marriage has some areas that could use some refining? It’s time to get on the same page! Awesome Marriage created a tool that will help you get synced up with your spouse in all the important areas. The Couple’s Unity Building Journal’ resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas where marriages may have struggles. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter!
Becoming Better Together: The RAM Plan for Growing Together When Life is Pulling You Apart E-book by My Love Thinks – Becoming Better Together is based on a live course that has been taught to over half a million people worldwide. The RAM plan taught in this e-book has been proven to increase relationship satisfaction, communication, closeness, sexual intimacy, as well as lower the divorce rate in communities where the live version was taught. But now, you can access all of this practical and life-changing information right from your device!
- Ultimate Intimacy Spicy Invites/Notes & 31 Day Intimacy Calendar by Ultimate Intimacy – We believe many couples are looking for something fun and exciting to keep their love life and passion thriving (we were one of them!). Why? Sex is AMAZING for both men and women, and is incredibly bonding! Isn’t that part of God’s design, to bring man and woman closer together, to help each other be one and whole? Using the 31 Day Ultimate Intimacy Calendar and printing these fun Ultimate Intimacy spicy invites you can leave your spouse daily, you will have tons of fun ideas to rekindle the passion! Don’t forget to download the free Ultimate Intimacy App which also includes hundreds of fun ways to spice up your marriage!
- First Book: Forgive U: From the School of Hard Knocks to the University of 70×7 by Messy Marriage – Are you struggling to forgive someone in your life? Then “Forgive U” is the book for you! This resource clears up what forgiveness is and is not; what’s necessary to really forgive; seven common myths about forgiveness; as well as explaining how to forgive and move forward. It will leave you clearheaded and equipped for the daunting task of letting your anger go and living free! Are you and your spouse drifting apart or simply want to grow together spiritually? Beth of offers a couple’s devotional—Before You Snore or Go Out the Door—that will do just that in less than 10 minutes a day. It is designed to be a quick and easy way to engage not only with scripture but with each other! You’ll find questions that stir discussion, applications that encourage stretching and growth, as well as ideas for how to pray for the focus of the day. It will encourage you personally, as well as drawing you to your mate!
- Year of Movie Dates by The Dating Divas – This is a series of 12 dates, giving you tons of fun ways to take your movie night to the next level. Choose from romantic and funny activities, sexy ideas, a few treats, and a big list of movie titles to help make the movie-picking easier. Each of these 12 date night movie ideas is based on a specific genre, so throughout the year, you’ll make sure to see a variety of films to appease BOTH of your tastes. You can even wrap it up into an adorable movie gift basket to give to your spouse or another lucky couple!
- BONUS: Married And Naked Date Night Questions Bundle by Married & Naked – Struggling to figure out what to do on date night? Looking for something fun that helps bring you and your spouse closer? The Date Night Questions Bundle is the answer! It includes four fun date night questions printables. Each printable includes 20 different questions. Print one to take with you on your next date night! That’s fun and entertainment at your fingertips for your next 4 date nights! Laugh, learn, and connect with these fun questions.
If your marriage feels disconnected lately or you’re just not putting energy into it like you used to, now is an excellent time to make some changes. Couples therapy is one way (many therapists offer online options) but if not on your agenda, this marriage bundle provides a pretty amazing value for your money offering many ways to strengthen your marriage. Even if not all of the offerings resonate, surely you will find many that will.
Buy The Marriage Bundle Now
NORMAL PRICE = Over $200!
Bundled for a limited time only for $35
TODAY ONLY $20 (That’s over 90% OFF!)
(Extra $15 discount automatically applied at checkout)
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