Many women dream of dating a rich, wealthy man. For some it’s the thought of no longer having to worry about money. For others, they long for the social status. …
With Valentines Day approaching, many couples are considering ways to demonstrate their love and affection for each other. What meaning do you attach to Valentines Day? What are your expectations? …
Katarina teaches us women about luring with honey in dating and relationships. Many however, take this concept a bit far and use it in situation where it’s not warranted. The…
Can you date new men when your heart strings are tied to another? The better question may be how to date when you are still in love with someone else. …
It’s this time of year again when engagements and weddings are happening, but so are breakups, heartbreaks, loneliness, sadness and despair. Treat yourself to a new way of seeing things…
There are tons of get-ex-back advices out there but none of them really focuses on what really matters: getting yourself back first. Here are 5 definite steps that have been…
When it comes to keeping the romance in your relationship alive, there are so many things you can do. One of the most popular romantic couple activities includes sharing a…
How many of you label a guy as a narcissist without even bothering to look at your own neuroses? Unfortunately, it has become a trend nowadays and I want to…
“Do Kat’s classes for YOU on Valentine’s day instead of focusing on some guy. I think Four Components of Melting His Heart would be helpful for you too because if…
Insecurity in a relationship or even just casual dating is one of the top relationship (and attraction) killers. When you are insecure in your relationship, not only do you suffer,…