Most of us in our dating and relationship experiences have encountered men who are depressed, or have heavy baggage and emotional issues. Emotional issues such and inability to trust. Maybe…
Have you ever cried in front of a man and longed for him to comfort you, hold you, yet he seemed clueless. He may even completely withdraw or even leave…
Heal your divided mind and you will heal the division within yourself. When you heal the split, the mind dissolves. As the mind dissolves, problems dissolve. The projector is officially…
How to be indispensable at both work and love is very straightforward and obvious. Be the very person you want to hire or be with. It’s like DUH! ? When…
Those with big hearts suffer the most is a meme that I see floating around on social media almost daily. Posted almost as if it’s some badge of honor. I…
We all have our beliefs. Some serve us, some don’t. Beliefs are not something we are born with. They are learned and adopted from people like our parents, peers and…
We have all met someone and felt an instant connection. Like you had known one another for a lifetime. Things just flow. You may even feel you have known them…